
Anti-讨厌的行为 和 Bias Incident 政策



  The aim of this policy is to provide a means by which students, 教师, 和 工作人员 members who experience hate or bias (both defined below) may have their concerns heard 和 receive support, conflicts may be mediated, 和, 当需要的时候, effective community responses forged.

This policy recognizes that thought 和 expression in the context of, 和 in service to, our learning mission is protected, while offering a mechanism for responding to the hatred 和 bias that work against it. These freedoms necessarily entail a potential for encountering ideas 和 speech that one finds controversial 和 even objectionable, 侮辱, 或进攻. Acts of hate 和 bias — whether or not intended — threaten to undermine individuals’ or groups’ engagement in the free exchange of ideas. Providing clear means by which suspected hate acts 和 bias incidents can be reported aligns with 十大菠菜台子’s commitment to freedom of thought 和 expression as central to our academic freedom 和 to our teaching 和 learning mission.

十大菠菜台子 strongly encourages anyone – student, 教师, or 工作人员 – who is subject to, 或目击者, any hate or bias incident occurring on campus, at college-sponsored events, or during activities occurring off campus involving Beloit students, 教师, 工作人员, or their guests to respond immediately, 在可能的情况下, 和 to report the incident. After receiving the report, responders will gather information 和 devise appropriate strategies for communicating with, 教育, 和 mediating between, the involved parties, 和 when applicable, communicate with the larger campus community. Any acts suspected of violating existing college policies will be referred to the appropriate disciplinary bodies.

Any retaliation against a person who reports an alleged hate act or bias incident or against a person who has been found responsible for such an incident is strictly prohibited 和 subject to disciplinary action. A knowingly false accusation of a hate act or bias incident may also be subject to disciplinary action. Fact-finding regarding a reported hate act or bias incident does not itself constitute 骚扰.



十大菠菜台子 will report to the police, 和 cooperate with them in investigating, any act constituting a hate crime, 定义如下 威斯康辛州法令. Those who commit hate crimes will also be subject to discipline by the college in accordance with the anti-hate acts policy outlined below.


At 十大菠菜台子 a hate act involves (1) violence, threat of violence, actions that are likely to incite violence, or other acts violating college policy that are (2) directed at persons or groups who are marginalized because of their race, color, 宗教, 性ual orientation, 能力状态, ethnicity/national origin, physical characteristics, 性, 性别, 性别认同, 性别表达, 和/or any other legally protected classification, 和 (3) have the purpose or reasonably foreseeable effect of harassing, 不人道, or intimidating those persons or groups.

例子 of hate acts include but are not limited to physical assault, 骚扰, 跟踪, 网络跟踪, 破坏公物, or other damage to property.

Investigations of hate acts require due process according to the college’s policies, including adherence to American Association of University Professors (AAUP) guidelines related to academic freedom. Sanctions will depend on the severity of the action, the impact on the targeted individual/group, intentionality of the action, 和 on the overall context in which the action occurred. 为学生, the most likely sanction for violation of this policy will be suspension or expulsion, as determined by the normal disciplinary process. Sanctions for 工作人员 may range from reprim和s or training to immediate termination of employment, depending on the severity of the incident 和 taking into account any previous employment concerns. Sanctions for 教师 may range from reprim和s or training to termination of employment, depending on the severity of the incident 和 taking into account any previous employment concerns.


A bias incident is a verbal, 写, or physical act of intolerance or prejudice that does not involve violence or other conduct violating college policy, but which threatens, 威胁, or marginalizes individuals or groups because of their actual or perceived race, color, 宗教, 性ual orientation, 能力状态, ethnicity/national origin, physical characteristics, 性, 性别, 性别认同, 性别表达, 和/or any other legally protected classification 和 lacks a reasonable relationship to an educational, 政治, 和/or artistic end.

例子 of bias incidents include but are not limited to homophobic or 性ist jokes, 种族歧视的绰号, 宗教诽谤, offensive graffiti, or demeaning remarks on social media. Bias incidents may or may not be intended to cause harm.

Responses to bias incidents may include educational opportunities for the individuals 和 groups involved, as well as for members of the campus community as a whole when reporting patterns suggest broader issues that move beyond the immediate incident. This policy therefore seeks to enhance underst和ing, provide a forum for expression of multiple viewpoints, 调解冲突, 和 pursue restoration. Reports will only be referred to a disciplinary body if the behavior violates other college policies.

  Reporting 仇恨犯罪, 讨厌的行为, 和 Bias at 十大菠菜台子

十大菠菜台子 students, 教师, or 工作人员 may report a hate act or bias incident in any or all of the following ways:

  1. Calling 十大菠菜台子 Security or reporting incidents directly to the Beloit Police.
  2. Reporting directly to one of the lead hate 和 bias responders (Associate 教务长 for Student Success, Equity 和 Community 和 one 教师 representative, both of whom have received training in restorative justice).
  3. 报告通过 a web form on the college’s website; this includes the option to report anonymously.

  Response to 仇恨犯罪, 讨厌的行为, 和 偏差事件

Responders are responsible for reviewing all reports, learning as much as they can about the situation, 和 for developing an appropriate response. This will involve listening 和 talking with with those involved in the situation 和 assessing whether a hate crime or act or bias incident has occurred.

如果有偏见, the lead responders will communicate with the involved parties with the aim of developing a shared underst和ing of what occurred 和 its impact 和 restoring a successful learning or working environment.

When they conclude a hate crime or act has occurred, the lead responders will convene a response team that may include the 教务长, 教务长, the president’s chief of 工作人员, 和 the director of communications 和 marketing or their representatives, 和其他人, as deemed appropriate by the rest of the team. This response team will determine the appropriate pathway for addressing the hate crime or act. This may include community emails, outreach 和 support efforts, town hall meetings, class discussions, or floor meetings. The response team will refer disciplinary matters to the appropriate college authority 和 share the information they have gathered in their own investigation. When a hate crime has been committed, the response team will work with the police 和 share information they have gathered. The scale 和 scope of response to hate 和 bias incidents, 和 the timeline in which that response occurs, will depend on the following factors:

  1. Severity, scale, 和 scope of the incident 和 its impact
  2. Pace at which information can be gathered; 和 whether or not that information can be shared publicly
  3. Effects on those targeted

每学期, the lead responders, 教务长, 和 provost will assess the h和ling of reported cases, seeking input from the affected parties, 和 the lead responders will provide to senior 工作人员 和 to the campus community a summary report regarding the number of reported hate acts 和 bias incidents, 他们的本性, 和解决. Members of senior 工作人员 shall review 和 analyze these reports 和, in consultation with others, determine possible interventions directed toward prevention.

Bias lead responders or any response team they convene are not disciplinary bodies. Hate crimes/hate act reponses/responders are disciplinary. Disciplinary action involving any individual or group will be h和led by other established bodies of the college, such as Student Affairs 工作人员 和 Judicial Board in the case of students, Human Resources in the case of 工作人员, 和 in the case of 教师, the Provost or Faculty Status 和 Performance Committee in accordance with guidelines established by the American Association of University Professors (AAUP) related to academic freedom 和 due process. Outside law enforcement agencies may also become involved as appropriate.

Responsibilities of all responders include:

  1. Maintaining appropriate confidentiality
  2. Treating all parties with respect 和 sensitivity
  3. Holding Beloit’s mission 和 academic freedom at the center of their work
  4. Providing affected parties with information about support services on campus
  5. Providing to all involved parties:
    • Clear information regarding the process that will be followed
    • An explanation of the time table involved
    • An explanation regarding the resolution of the reported incident

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