September 30, 2021

Welcoming new students and the class of 2025

Celebrating a new and fully in-person academic year.

Returning students, faculty, and staff cheered a throng of new students as they followed a bagpiper up College Street after Convocation took place outdoors the first day of classes.

The 288 members of the class of 2025, who are joined by 17 transfer and 31 exchange students, hail from 38 states and 16 countries. Wisconsin, Illinois, California, Texas, Missouri, and Minnesota are the top six states new students call home. India is most represented among new international students, followed by Nepal, Pakistan, Vietnam, Bangladesh, and Ghana. Thirteen percent of new students are international, and 19 percent identify as Black Americans.

Business economics and psychology are tied among new students’ top academic interests, with “undecided” cited as a close second. More than half of new students, 63 percent, were educated in public high schools and 48 percent are Beloit student-athletes.

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