Grasping every chance to foster professional growth

通过会计课程,我发现了我对会计的职业兴趣 Professor Diep Phan, Beryl Sybil “Kikie” Odonkor ’20 landed up securing an internship through the same class. 现在,她在麦肯锡(McKinsey)从事交付保证分析师的工作 & Company.

Before Beloit

Why did you decide to go to Beloit College?

I was from a competitive boarding school in Tema, Ghana, 并有一个最初的愿望,未来进入医疗领域. Therefore, during my high school years, 我只专注于STEM教育项目(国际学士学位项目),以实现预期的职业道路. 然而,当我高中毕业时,我意识到医学领域可能不适合我. So I wanted and had the urge to know more about everything else, except for science, that was missing out on in my high school years. 这就是为什么我想在大学里接受文科教育. 我还想有一个紧密联系的社区,在那里我可以与教授和其他学生交流,因为大学将是我全新的开始,我从未接触过所有的材料. 而伯洛伊特大学在所有方面都做得很好,并因其慷慨的经济援助计划而加分. Altogether, it sealed the deal.


Year 1

How was your transition from high school to college?

Academically, 我花了大一的时间去探索各种各样的课程,这些课程是我在高中时从未有机会接触过的. I tried different classes, ranging from French, and Political Science to Grecian classics courses, to satisfy my desire to get a fresh start. Besides classes, 我认为自己很幸运,从我的大学之旅开始,我就找到了一个正确的地方,在那里我可以做真实的自己,同时也能成长为一个人. I had my first college employment with the Office of Development and Alumni Relations and participated in some student clubs like Black Students United and International Students Club. 这些活动不仅帮助我驾驭大学生活,还为我提供了结识新朋友的机会, but they also provided me with numerous opportunities to grow.

What advice would you give to first-year students?

It is crucial to surround yourself with like/right-minded people. 如果你不确定自己是谁,或者不确定自己想要什么, 你可能最终没有一个支持团体或缺乏稳定感. 通过建立这些联系,找到有相同兴趣和目标的人, 你可以在享受美好时光的同时积累能量. And, be open to learning from others. 贝洛伊特有很多机会和不同的东西在你的指尖, so if you go out and look for them, you will find the one that fits you.


Year 2

What are your majors and minors at Beloit College? When did you declare each of these? What inspired you to go down these routes?

My major at Beloit College is Business Economics, and I declared in the spring semester of my sophomore year. 在我决定在这个领域获得学位的背后,有一个有趣的故事. Initially, I came to Beloit with no intended field of study. 在我大一寒假和我的高中朋友们的工会之后,我陷入了困境. Recalling my high school experience, I found myself interested in participating in community services, especially working with children. So, I intended to go with a Psychology and Education and Youth Studies double major in the spring semester of my freshman year. However, my intended major changed to Psychology and International Relations at the beginning of my second year after one year of exploring. 因为我喜欢政治学课程中的政治思维模式,并且考虑将我的法语课程投入使用. However, 但在同年春季学期碰巧修了《菠菜白菜吧》之后,情况又发生了变化. At that time, 我认真考虑了我未来的职业道路,并看到了与经济学相关的学位提供了大量的职业机会. That is why you see me in this field.



First, it was the experience of being an Orientation Leader and the Residential Assistant in my sophomore year. 这是一次宝贵的经历,让我更多地接触校园,成为其他人的资源. 这也帮助我打开了她的朋友圈,提高了我的领导能力. 其次,这是我第一次执行一个想法,让它成为现实. I, together with my friends, founded the African Caribbean Society. With this club, 我们的目标是在校园里庆祝非洲/加勒比文化和身份,并教育伯洛伊特社区有关非洲/加勒比遗产.


Year 3


我感谢经济系为学生提供的所有机会. 他们都让我觉得自己更投入,因为我能够为部门的工作做出自己的贡献. I was involved in searching for the Miller Upton Forum professors. I also got an opportunity to work with the Center for Entrepreneurship 作为项目协调员,我负责协调和管理学生校友项目. 它极大地帮助我加强了我的软技能,并给了我更多地参与社区的平台. The Econ Day, an exclusive opportunity for Economics department students, 听校友们分享他们的经验,是否也有助于我建立自己的社交圈子和社交技巧,并获得深刻的工作经验. However, what really paved the way for my current career pathway, accounting, was the Accounting course with Professor Diep Phan and the accounting internship I secured through that class.

At Econ Day At Econ Day


Year 4


It is always the people at Beloit College that I remember the most. They gave me the confidence to overcome any obstacles I faced. 他们是我在贝洛伊特期间和之后的终身导师和顾问. I remember coming to Career Works 在我的头三年里,我想弄清楚离开伯洛伊特后我想做什么. Not only did Career Works provide excellent career-building advice (job search, resume, cover letter, mock-up interview), 但它也帮助我充分利用了我在伯洛伊特的时间,告诉我应该寻找/要求或使用什么资源,以及我应该在校园里和谁交谈. 我的法语教授也是我的榜样,他们教会了我在公开演讲时的效率, coaching, and guidance skills. With these coaching skill sets, 我有幸担任会计与金融基础课程的助教. 我还成功地与另外两位经济学专业的高年级学生举办了一场社交研讨会,分享了我在北京发展自己社交技能的经验 Career Works with other current students.


After Beloit

What is your current job? Could you give us an insight into your daily work routine?
I am currently working as a Tax Intern at Rödl & Partner USA(我在大三暑假实习的那家公司),以进一步提高我的技术技能,并积累我在这个领域的经验. 我的日常工作包括处理公司财务信息和分析跨国公司的财务交易.

By: My Le'25
December 20, 2022

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