
B.M.E., Milton College
M.M.E., VanderCook College

Courses Taught

Trumpet lessons

Kay Schultz

Instructor of Music, trumpet

 Email:  Office: Hendricks Center for the Arts

Kay, began playing the cornet in grade 5 through the Rock County Rural Band Program (Walt Schroeder, director), and continued through high school in Clinton, WI. During high school, Kay began to play for the Beloit Janesville Symphony. She attended Milton College on a full tuition honor scholarship, continuing on the trumpet with Ken DeVoe. Kay had the opportunity to tour Europe, as principal trumpet with the American youth Concert Band – personal highlight of this tour was a solo performance with a trumpet trio for Princess Grace.

Kay recently retired as the Instrument Music teacher in Clinton Community Schools, where she had the privilege of taking her band, by invitation, to the National Independence Day Parade (Washington D.C.) in 2001, 2007, and 2011. Bands under Kay also performed in Florida (Disney/Universal/Sea World, Ron Jon, Orange Bowl, and Major league baseball pre-season games) since 1985.

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