Concierge Internship Program


Opportunities for 2024-25 Academic Year

我们正在寻找成绩优异、值得信赖的大三学生, 高级, 或者在2024-25学年的第9 /10个免费学期回来,在伯洛伊特地区的顶级企业实习. You will gain invaluable experience working in roles ranging from marketing, 金融, accounting, computer programming, engineering, human resources, 和更多的.

Requirements 和 benefits

  • Work 10 hours (or more) per week; must allow 3+ hour blocks in your day 2+ days per week. (A申请决定将在秋季课程注册前做出, allowing you to align your calendar to meet this requirement.)
  • 开始 August 23 和 end May 1, subject to all school breaks (fall, winter, 和 spring). You must be able to work the full academic year.
  • 收到2.0 units of credit, one for each semester.
  • Earn possible compensation: Most internships are 支付, some are 无薪.
  • 参与 in professional development 和 peer-to-peer reflection under the guidance of Tim Leslie (VP, Career & Professional Development) 和 your own Beloit College 校友 mentor to enable success.

Companies 和 Roles


  • Beloit Health Systems 是贝洛伊特地区卫生保健服务的领导者. This role will work on research projects with the executive team in  operations, human resources, 金融, 和 marketing, analyzing 和 presenting on administrative regulations, 政策, 流程, procedures 和 systems
  • Beloit Sky Carp 是中西部联盟的小联盟棒球队,还是迈阿密马林鱼队的高a队. They are located here in Beloit. The role will involve work on marketing, customer service, 和 sales projects.
  • Corporate Contractors, Inc. (CCI) 是一家领先的总承包公司,专注于新建筑和适应性再利用项目, 提供市场营销的角色,执行广泛的市场营销和质量控制职能,以支持建设项目.
  • First National Bank 和 Trust Company 一个当地的, family-focused community bank headquartered in Beloit, 服务于伊利诺伊州北部和威斯康星州南部的社区, 提供 an accounting role
  • Fairbanks Morse Defense (FMD) (2 roles) builds, 维护, 并为地球上最值得信赖的海军动力和推进系统提供服务. For more than 100 years, FMD一直是越来越多的领先海洋技术的主要供应商, OEM零件, 和 turnkey services to the U.S. Navy 和 Coast Guard. 根据你的技能水平,口蹄疫会提供两个职位:(1) Computer Programming (front-end programming in support of engineering team),(2) 机器人工程(致力于尖端机器人技术).
  • Geronimo Hospitality Group (2 roles) owns 和 operates businesses in the dining, 住宿, 高尔夫球, 和 fitness industries, 提供 two roles: (1) Marketing (support team in all aspects of content, 设计, 和 marketing of its growing list of natioonal hotels, restaurants 和 private clubs), 和(2) Operations (working with the Vice President of Blue Collar (其手工制作的咖啡和expresso餐饮体验)商业运营-开设和经营门店).
  • Kerry Ingredients (3 roles) is an international leader in taste & nutrition innovation. 他们创造食品和饮料配料,让人们享受并感觉更好. Kerry is 提供 three roles: (1) Communications (reporting to the Communications leader 和 team, 你将有助于提升我们在主要利益相关者中的品牌和声誉.e., includes marketing skills), (2) Marketing/Copywriter (develop content that engages target audiences 和 drives br和 awareness; responsible for writing, editing 和 proofreading content), 和(3) 金融 (职位尚未确定,但将在首席财务官的团队中工作).
  • Mid-States Concrete Industries (3 roles) is a 设计-engineering company (it 设计s, 工程师, produces 和 installs precast concrete elements 和 buildings), 提供 three roles: (1) Hybrid Marketing/HR (营销材料、演示、员工沟通方面的合作),(2) Computer Programmer (back-end programming), (3) Industrial Engineer 识别当前流程中存在的问题,并确定解决方案
    increase efficiency).

在接下来的几周内,我们可能会在上述公司或新公司增加一到两个职位. 我们将在接下来的一周为上述公司提供更详细的职位描述. 

Requirements for Participation

Successful c和idates for the internship positions will:

  • 2024年秋季学期的大三或大四学生(包括免费返回的第9 /10学期的学生).
  • 能够在工作时间内每周工作10小时,每次工作3小时以上.
  • 表现出负责任和高度可靠的行为.
  • 通过实习证明你已经掌握了工作技能, 工作, community-based learning, certifications, 和 other skill development.

马上申请!  To apply to the program, students must:

If you have any questions, contact Tim Leslie at

关于 Impact Beloit Concierge Internship Program


Gjergj Ndoci'20通过参与工作世界班找到了他的实习机会, taught by Carol Wickersham 和 Jessica Fox-W... Impact Beloit礼宾部实习项目为成绩优异的大三和大四学生提供了在Beloit地区企业的带薪实习机会,以获得宝贵的工作经验和社交机会.

学生们由就业副总裁蒂姆·莱斯利(Tim Leslie)监督 & 专业发展,每个学生都有一个伯洛伊特学院校友导师来帮助他们. 

参加这个项目的任何一家公司的实习机会对你的技能和职业发展都是非常有价值的. As a Concierge Intern, you will gain valuable, 实践经验,在项目中工作不可或缺的业务运作,发展和磨练你的专业技能. You will develop professionally through on the job experience, 以及通过教职员工和校友的建议和点对点的分享. 实习将为你未来的职业道路和未来的工作提供很好的经验.

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