

Veggies in 贝洛伊特’s Urban Garden grow just two blocks from where they end up on Commons dinner plates. The student-run garden is teaching problem-solving skills 和 generating a bumper crop of love 和 appreciation … for compost.

这是七月里一个难得的晴天, 妮可弗雷德里克斯的17 和 普雷斯顿 Bui’20 helped Aliza 非常’18 pull out the hose to water the 贝洛伊特 Urban Garden for the first time that month. They are the three summer workers in charge of maintaining the crops just off 十大菠菜台子’s campus, 和 非常 was trying to get through her duties before the 贝洛伊特 Farmers’ Market ended just a few blocks away.

最近一个周日的下午,18岁的暑假工人Aliza 非常和20岁的普雷斯顿 Bui开始工作. 最近一个周日的下午,18岁的暑假工人Aliza 非常和20岁的普雷斯顿 Bui开始工作.
来源:Viviana Nadowski

非常, 环境研究专业, 一直对社区组织和园艺有浓厚的兴趣, 和 through 十大菠菜台子’s sustainability program has been able to get h和s-on experience that she hopes she can use while working on an urban garden after graduation. 在那个特殊的日子里,亲身体验包括被水管缠住.

“我们只是在种豌豆的地方搭了一道栅栏,弗雷德里克斯说, 传媒研究和戏剧制作专业,热爱有机农业. “我们的水管就在那里,所以今天一切都有点不同.“这个声明是对花园性质的证明, affectionately known as “BUG”: a project always in flux with a constantly rotating group of students learning as they go. 非常, 弗雷德里克斯, 和 Bui had just a couple of months to make their mark on the garden before another group of students stepped in.

花园外的贝洛伊特城市花园(BUG)标志. 来源:Viviana Nadowski

花园生长在教堂街1031号., across from Karris Field in an empty lot the college purchased years ago in anticipation of possible expansion to the north. The project was started by students in 2013 to introduce sustainable agricultural practices to campus. 从一开始, the idea was to change the way students think about the food they eat 和 introduce simple ways to implement local 和 organic practices. 从那时起, the ebb 和 flow of volunteers 和 ever-changing vision have caused each season of the garden to evolve. Even as BUG gets 更多的 of its crops into the h和s of the student body 和 gains visibility on campus, 从一个学期到下一个学期,它的未来仍然不确定. 每个季节, 收成的可行性取决于金融稳定, 不可预测的气候, 和, 当然, 学生的兴趣.

排在BUG后面的第一个学生是Kyle Bohrer, 主修政治学,辅修政治学 生物学 环境科学,2014年毕业. “The idea for the BUG originally came to me during study abroad in Denmark when I was taking a course on sustainability in Europe,Bohrer说. “I was lucky enough to see a ton of awesome urban gardens 和 环境 projects throughout Europe, 当我回到伯洛伊特时,我知道我想开始一个花园.”

在丹麦的一个学期启发了Kyle Bohrer'14创办贝洛伊特's Urban Garden. 在丹麦的一个学期启发了Kyle Bohrer ' 14创办贝洛伊特's Urban Garden.
资料来源:Courtney Yates ' 14

当他回到校园的时候, he partnered with fellow students Clara Baker’13 和 Lena Wright’16 to get funding 和 club approval from student government, create partnerships with the Sustainability Fellows program 和 the on-campus food service provider, 找到真正需要耕种的土地. 他们整个冬季学期都在工作,以确保一旦土地最终解冻, 他们可以立即行动.

“I worked the garden the first summer with a few other students who stayed in 贝洛伊特 for other projects,Bohrer说. “The organization around the BUG 和 engagement with the school 和 community really grew over the next year. 我们在花园里为返校节举办了一些校友活动, 与当地农场合作提供知识和设备, 并开始参观其他学校,向他们的城市花园学习, 太.”

A majority of the students, whether they know it or not, are exposed to BUG directly on the plate. 祝你有个好胃口, 负责学生餐饮项目的公司, 一直采用从农场到餐桌的模式吗, 因此,决定与花园合作是一个自然的选择. During the first year of BUG—which was 祝你有个好胃口’s second year on campus—general manager Ken Hnilo 和 his team purchased some of the initial seeds for the garden, 赞助BUG志愿者的膳食计划, 并达成协议,以市场价格购买100%的农产品. 根据Hnilo的说法, 这都是向年轻人介绍健康的一部分, 环境, 品尝当地食物的好处.

来自贝洛伊特城市花园的成熟番茄. 来源:安东尼奥·马里“我知道在BUG工作的人对他们的工作非常有激情, 我知道我们的厨师对他们的工作非常有激情, 和 I hope that the consumers truly underst和 和 feel the benefits of all the positivity that’s gone into something like that, 放进这些盘子里,赫尼洛说. “我想做一个口味测试:哪个更好,a还是B, BUG还是传统? 我敢拿我的薪水打赌,大多数人会选择当地种植的东西, 毫无疑问.”

Students at 十大菠菜台子 have the advantage of being surrounded by a thriving farming community. 顾问贝琪·布鲁尔, 他也是学院国际教育办公室的主任, has made a point to bring students on regular site visits to places like 贝洛伊特’s Froggy Meadow Farm 和 the weekly farmers’ market, 在伯洛伊特市中心举行. 在那里, 学生们不仅得到了维护和收获庄稼的技巧, but also see a variety of organic practices 和 the different economic models farmers are using to make ends meet.

Garden advisor Betsy Brewer talks with Natalie Dusek'19, 左, 和 Christina Shonnard'19 in the g... 花园顾问Betsy Brewer与Natalie Dusek ' 19交谈, 左, 和19岁的克里斯蒂娜·肖纳德去年春天在花园里. 学生志愿者在这个季节第一次翻转堆肥.
资料来源:Howard Korn摄影公司

通过和好胃口的关系, 学生们能够亲身体验农业是如何作为一种商业运作的. A shared spreadsheet tracks what the kitchen uses the most 和 what they’re willing to pay for a pound of each ingredient. The current set of students have focused their efforts 更多的 toward paying attention to consumer dem和 和 growing the food Hnilo 和 his team will pay for. 在种植一些更具实验性的东西之前, 比如巧克力罗勒, 园丁们首先会去看看厨师们是否可以使用, 然后决定从种子到配方,多少量的植物最经济.

然后,学生们要玩一个环境猜谜游戏. How many plants need to be initially grown to make up for outside variables that might kill part of the crop? 什么时候是收获每个道具的理想时间? 花园里的什么地方每一种植物生长得最茂盛? 自从花园建成以来, students have become 更多的 adept at keeping records that track things like where a row of diseased cucumbers grew, 但即使有这些参考点, there’s no telling what strategy will be most successful for the 更多的 than a dozen varieties of herbs 和 vegetables that are grown from year to year.

收割药草. 来源:Viviana Nadowski“这几乎就像一个文科教育,”布鲁尔说. “如果你问普雷斯顿这个夏天他学到最多的是什么, 花园教会他的东西最多,因为他每天都要解决问题. 这是大多数农民会告诉你的, 如果他们从企业部门转到农业部门, 由于各种不同的变量,农业一直是更大的挑战.”

布伊也认为,这些经验教训远不止于表面. “园艺是不同技能的结合:沟通, 研究, 和合作,他说.

在玻尔毕业离开花园后的这些年里, 他在种植和收获蔬菜方面做得很少, 但他表示,作为Epic的项目经理,他使用了自己在BUG daily学到的技能, 一家位于威斯康星州的医疗记录软件供应商. 事实上, 他目前是公司在荷兰的代表, 在哪里城市农业是司空见惯的.

While each semester of volunteers learn how to navigate the pitfalls of the day-to-day of urban farming, 缺乏一个稳定的团队会让更大的挑战悬而未决. 即使这一轮的学生想出了一个经济体系来维持这个夏天, 下一组人可能不得不介入解决更大的金融问题.

“One thing the students have to be realistic about is that it’s not going to generate enough money to pay them to work in the garden,布鲁尔说. “从长远来看,我认为这将是一个问题, 在资金不足的情况下,我们该如何继续下去呢?”

17岁的妮可·弗雷德里克斯(Nicole 弗雷德里克斯)是2017年夏季的一名园艺工人,她说她现在认为堆肥是最酷的... 妮可弗雷德里克斯的17, 2017年夏季园丁, 她说她现在认为堆肥“是世界上最酷的东西”.”
资料来源:Howard Korn摄影公司
弗雷德里克斯对如何在扩大项目的同时控制花园的一些成本有自己的想法. The ideas range from applying for 更多的 grants to starting 更多的 gardens on campus to selling individual Community Supported Agriculture (CSA) boxes filled with BUG produce to students throughout the year. 8月, 学生园丁制作了他们的第一个CSA盒子, 装满西红柿, 甜菜, 胡萝卜, 羽衣甘蓝, 另外还有一块美味的佛卡夏面包.

弗雷德里克斯说,一旦她离开贝洛伊特,她就会意识到这一点, 像启动CSA项目这样的决定将不再由她决定.

“阿里扎, 普雷斯顿, 我真的很擅长想出计划和想法,弗雷德里克斯说, “但有时我们必须提醒自己,我们花园的性质, 和大多数社区花园一样, 这是一个团队的努力. 我们不知道未来的贝洛伊特人会想用这个花园做什么, but for now we can focus on setting our plants up for success 和 getting as many good veggies to students as we can.”

但即使不可避免的换岗, 一个不变的因素是参与者的奉献程度, the kind of dedication that makes students excited to talk at length about dirt whenever possible.

“I haven’t been part of any other club that’s been so passionate 和 would get so excited about something like compost,弗雷德里克斯说. “我现在认为堆肥是世界上最酷的东西.”

布里安娜·韦伦(布丽安娜韦伦医生)是一名自由文化记者,为《真人国际菠菜》(the a)撰稿.V. Club和Splitsider.


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